“Breaking Free” is a book written by Rabbi Shaya Ostrov, in conjunction with GYE, which will guide you on your path of freedom. The Guiding Lights recordings on this webpage have been created to be used together with the Breaking Free book. Click below to listen to a brief introduction about the book and these recordings.
Breaking Free – Introduction to Recordings and Partner Program
1- Guiding Light Hashem's Breath of Love
2- Guiding Light Your Neshoma State of Mind
3- Guiding Light Bringing Hashem Back to my Center
4. Guiding Light Tzelem Elokim
5. Guiding Light Rejoining the Circle
10. Guiding Light Pulse of Life
To get the book
Donate to GYE and get a free book
Or order on Amazon
The Breaking Free Partner/Chavrusa Program (coming soon…)
The Partner/Chavrusa program is designed to maximize your experience and success on your road to freedom. If you’re interested in going through the program with a Partner/Chavrusa who has been selected by our experienced and dedicated staff, please click on the link below to receive a questionnaire. You will be contacted by a GYE representative. Your anonymity is assured.
If you would like to find a study partner (chavrusa) or a study group (chaburah) to accompany you through Breaking Free, please complete this questionnaire: